Saturday, January 10, 2009


As i sit in my very very disorganized apartment i sit and think..... why the hell am i in texas?..... You might be asking the same question... well it's misrable out here! they say texas is the heartland of america... if that is so i think i might move to canada. they say its nice up there! Clean! Free Health care! and little to no mexicans.... I'm not saying i hate mexicans, it's more i hate what they are doing to our way of life! Ruining every basis this country was founded on! using our tax payers money so they can live on welfare, as i was applying for college i noticed something i had to pay close to $60 dollars just to apply, which made me angry but what made me down right indignant was the fact that i noticed that poor people and illegal immigrants could not only apply for free but could get grants from the sate and federal Gov't for FREE SCHOOL! what the hell! and we wonder whyy we have a problem with illegak imnmigration! We are basically sending them a invitation! as for me i had to pay the 60 dollars and could not get govt grant because the govt feels that my dad makes too much hard earned money! well what they dont take into account is that my dad doesnt want to pay for my college! and then im stuck with 2 options, one being, taking out huge loans with high intrest just to get buy and number two is work my ass off and go to a not so good school and barely pass my classes cause im just down right to busy to focus on my schooling! How is that fair? Me an american citizen, that has an absolutely clean record aside form a few speeding ticket hehe has a harder time to get an education than these ILLEGAL IMMAGRANT! Criminals! theses criminals have it easier then me! what the basically that is all....what the hell......

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