Saturday, January 10, 2009


So everyone knows that saturdays mean sleeping in saturday morning cartoons! Do kids still do that? i tend to see kids in a different light now a are not kids anymore....parents are raising them in a way that skips this pre-mature state and straight to post-adolences... Which so creppy...the other day i saw this girl who was all done up with makeup and wearing a hollter-top....she looked 20 and 10 at the same time...what is this world coming to?are parents asking for there children to get raped?ok rape is a little far-fetched.....but what about teen pregnancy? it's just common sense that if you let your daughter run around in skanky clothes when she's 10, what the hell do you think she's going to be like when she's 15? yeah a slut! Why do you think teen pregnancy is on the rise? Cause of parents that do not want to do there job! let there kids raise themselves....working to oblivion so that there kids can have everything they "need" ...... infact what they are doing is Guaranteeing that they will be grandparents a lot earlier than the expected... dthe other day i saw a freaking , what looked to be a four year old with a cell phone! what the hell is a 4 year old going to do with a cell? seriously he went straight from being an infant to a uninhibited teenager and skipped the whole saturday morning cartoon phase the clearly definges who i am to this day! seriously parents keep a better eye on your kids cause if you dont you will be keeping an eye on theres while they graduate high school.........

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