Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ursus maritimus

In laymans terms Polar Bear. These beautiful creatures are dying at huge rate! Or so says actors on commercials for an organization called WWF. On May 14th 2008 Congress decieded to put the polar bear on the endangered spieces list. There reasoning is global warming. For real? The global average tempature is 1.5 degrees colder than the last 50 years! Of course they took readings in summer when the sea ice was receiding. of course the ice was recieding, it's summer! freaking idiots! Sea ice goes through a process every year! melting then freezing! Everyone knows ice melts when its warm and freezes when its cold. In the latest no-biast tests, the sea ice is thicker then it has been in 50 years! Do you really think it is a fluke that our planet is 1.5 degrees cooler and the sea ice is thinker in the past 50 years? I say no! The reason i bring this up is becasue artic polar bears live, breed and hunt on this sea ice. Polar Bear numbers hover around 25,000 year to date. 5 years ago there numbers we aproximately around 5,000.... so my question is why the hell are we putting the pb's (Polar Bear for short) on the endangered list? It seems to me that the are thriving! how can we put an animal on the list when they have grown 5 times in numbers in the past 5 years?? The average temp in provo utah is 26.3, my thinking is that if the sea ice in the artic is really mealting, then why not bring the bears to good ol' utah? haha we have everything the need! they can live in the utah lake! haha freaking liberals! all they want is socialism, they will scare us into it..... just wait, you will see

Quick to act

So in my last blog i was saying that i would most likely vote Obama if Ron Paul did not win the republican nomination, All i can say is I'm sorry, i made that ill informed post regarding the presidential race, I was entirely wrong! Obama has to be the worst candidate the united states of America has ever seen! If you think taxes are high now, just you wait! Obama will create even more programs to help the "less fortunate" (aka lazy) with the help from the liberal controlled congress, who will let the bush tax cut lapse, driving taxes even higher up! so for the next 4 years all i can say is graab your ankles and prepare to take it!


Super tuesday has come and gone, and the "front Runners" from each party have been "Chosen", all i can say is we are screwed! I just sit and question myself, "how did our nation get so off track?" First of all this whole 2 party democracy is just stupid! if you don't fall into 2 categories you have no say whatsoever! there's republicans on the right and democrats on the left and that's it in our governments mind, what about up? or even down? do they take libertarians,stastist or any other party in consideration? nope! they just lump everything into 2 categorys, it's just like in Donnie darko, when the teacher wants donnie to place the action he read aloud in class on the lfie line, where it was broken up in only 2 categorys love on the positive and fear on the negative, completly leaving out any other emotion! life isn't black and white it's many many shades of grey! just like politics! All polls say that it's either going to be mccain or obama, which literally scares me to death! especially McCain, his comment about being able to keep the war going in iraq for a hundred year???????? first of all why would we want to and secondly we can't afford it! Our economy is in free fall and this "front Runner" of the "Republican Party" (i use quotations because the party has changed so drasticly that it should be called a different name) would rather spend TRILLIONS of dollars on a NEO-VIETNAM! What are we acheiving over there? absolutley NOTHING! So if McCain wins the presidental election i'm moving to the netherlands! Obama is really the less of the evils in my opinion, yes he is liberal and i don't share a lot of his views but he seems more compitent then good ol' george W! well honestly any one is! Don't even get me started about hillary, that socialist whore! ha national health care? what is she thinking? if you want half to three quarters of your pay check to go to taxes go ahead and vote for her! not to mention the whole program will suck! you will have to wait weeks just to have a regular doctors vist! and not to mention the quality of doctors will go down because there won't be a private sector like there is now! so i urge you to get out there and vote for the man who will change things so we wont end up in a neo-depression! RON PAUL! we can still get him elected if we all pull together!

She that shall remain nameless

Sometimes when i write these blogs i feel that all i'm doing is complaining.....haha whatev not like anyones reading them hehe...... Well last night i recieved a text message from a girl whom will remain nameless becasue im going to be saying pretty bad things about her ha but im sure if you know me well enough or even remotely you wil make the connectiojn of who i am talking about.....anyway the ya i recieved this text from this girl i dated around a year ago...... She was and is the only girl i've ever loved...... i actually managed to get her outta my head for the past several months when this infamous text message this moment our whole relationship came flooding back into my bad! And to be honest i really don't know why i love this girl..... She's self centered, obnoxious and has no respected for the male gender.......but on the other hand she is gorgeous(in my eyes and others as well) and she just has this spell she cast over me when ever she is around..... Even after she hooked up with a guy she was just "friends" with throughout our whole relationship i still couldnt get over her.....even after she just recently hooked up with one of my best friends.....still there..........even after she flirts hardcore with my older brother.....still........seriously what is wrong with me ? do other people have this same "condition"? i guess so, casue you always hear about those battered women who don't leave there significant other ( or in this case insignificant other hehe) casue they are "in love" hmmm that's something to think about...... Oh dont you love it when your ex tells you they love you after you break up? oh wait that only happens to me! haha ya thats right she would still tell me she loved me everytime we saw eachother....after questioning her about it she pulled this little line on me...."I love you, i'm just not in love with you" seriously what the fuck does that mean? excuse my language, it just really pisses me off so bad! i can see if jakki my best friend for years tells me that because there hasnt been any "real" emotion (save sexual) between us) but you cannot, cannot pull that off once you have loved someone, and dated them for over a year! it just doesnt work! wow i sound so lame and "emo" right now dont i? hehe eh wahteve! outta here in 4 days! going back to the land of milk and honey! oh and i love/hate the girl that shall remain nameless hahaha


So everyone knows that saturdays mean sleeping in saturday morning cartoons! Do kids still do that? i tend to see kids in a different light now a are not kids anymore....parents are raising them in a way that skips this pre-mature state and straight to post-adolences... Which so creppy...the other day i saw this girl who was all done up with makeup and wearing a hollter-top....she looked 20 and 10 at the same time...what is this world coming to?are parents asking for there children to get raped?ok rape is a little far-fetched.....but what about teen pregnancy? it's just common sense that if you let your daughter run around in skanky clothes when she's 10, what the hell do you think she's going to be like when she's 15? yeah a slut! Why do you think teen pregnancy is on the rise? Cause of parents that do not want to do there job! let there kids raise themselves....working to oblivion so that there kids can have everything they "need" ...... infact what they are doing is Guaranteeing that they will be grandparents a lot earlier than the expected... dthe other day i saw a freaking , what looked to be a four year old with a cell phone! what the hell is a 4 year old going to do with a cell? seriously he went straight from being an infant to a uninhibited teenager and skipped the whole saturday morning cartoon phase the clearly definges who i am to this day! seriously parents keep a better eye on your kids cause if you dont you will be keeping an eye on theres while they graduate high school.........


As i sit in my very very disorganized apartment i sit and think..... why the hell am i in texas?..... You might be asking the same question... well it's misrable out here! they say texas is the heartland of america... if that is so i think i might move to canada. they say its nice up there! Clean! Free Health care! and little to no mexicans.... I'm not saying i hate mexicans, it's more i hate what they are doing to our way of life! Ruining every basis this country was founded on! using our tax payers money so they can live on welfare, as i was applying for college i noticed something i had to pay close to $60 dollars just to apply, which made me angry but what made me down right indignant was the fact that i noticed that poor people and illegal immigrants could not only apply for free but could get grants from the sate and federal Gov't for FREE SCHOOL! what the hell! and we wonder whyy we have a problem with illegak imnmigration! We are basically sending them a invitation! as for me i had to pay the 60 dollars and could not get govt grant because the govt feels that my dad makes too much hard earned money! well what they dont take into account is that my dad doesnt want to pay for my college! and then im stuck with 2 options, one being, taking out huge loans with high intrest just to get buy and number two is work my ass off and go to a not so good school and barely pass my classes cause im just down right to busy to focus on my schooling! How is that fair? Me an american citizen, that has an absolutely clean record aside form a few speeding ticket hehe has a harder time to get an education than these ILLEGAL IMMAGRANT! Criminals! theses criminals have it easier then me! what the basically that is all....what the hell......